Back in 1916 when Bucks County, and in particular Doylestown, were undoubtedly as beautiful as they are now, five gentlemen must have had a dream. They gazed upon seventy-one acres of land, traversed by meandering streams and clear, cool ponds. A land generously endowed with black walnut, oak, and maple trees to name a few. "What a beautiful spot for golf."
They also studied a stone house in which a miller lived, pondering the grist mill nearby with its millrace running below. Appreciating the raw beauty of that land, they rented it from the Rich Estate for the yearly sum of $1,100.00, and formed Doylestown Country Club.
Those five men were Dr. Frank B. Swartzlander, Dr. Joseph Swartzlander, Dr. Felix X. Murphy, J. Carroll Molloy, Sr. and William R. Mercer, brother of Dr. Henry Chapman Mercer. Today, Nick Molloy, son of J. Carroll, is our only Member who is a direct descendant of one of the founders.
Through the years change has been inevitable. Not only has the natural beauty been improved, but also the facilities have been increased, evidenced somewhat by the photo of early buildings and current architectural drawings. In those early years, sheep grazed on the fairways and grass was cut by horse-drawn mowers. Members weeded greens on occasion, and even cooked and served food in the Clubhouse.
The land and facilities were rented until 1945, when they were purchased. Our previous Clubhouse was built in 1953 and the swimming pool added in 1959. In 1963, the course was enlarged to eighteen holes. In 1972, the facilities were again expanded and modernized to meet the increased needs of both the golfing and social members and their guests. The remodeling provided additional locker room facilities, an enlarged grill room, and swimming pool facilities improvements.
The present Clubhouse, Golf Shop, and Pool House were built in 1997. Some of the 1953 Clubhouse foundation was used in the 1997 building. Additionally, the 19th century stone cottage that served our membership for generations as, among other things, our Club House, was incorporated into the facilities design and is named the Founders’ Room.